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N� 29 - janvier 1953
Couverture de Vann

Immortal's Playthings � William F. Temple � na
Welcome, Brothers! ["Mars Is Heaven!"] � Ray Bradbury � ss
 Frontier Legion [Part 4 of 6] � Sydney J. Bounds

N� 30 - f�vrier 1953
Couverture de John Richards

Lady of Flame ["The Naked Goddess"] � S. J. Byrne � na
Dangerous Power � R. M. Rhodes � ss
What an Idea! � Forrest J. Ackerman � ss
Frontier Legion [Part 5 of 6] � Sydney J. Bounds �

N� 31 - mars 1953
Couverture de John Richards

The Rose � Charles L. Harness � na
Never Been Kissed ["Little Miss Ignorance"; *Barbara (android)] � E. Everett Evans � ss
Frontier Legion [Part 6 of 6] � Sydney J. Bounds �

N� 32 - avril 1953
Couverture de Davis

Haunted Atoms � A. E. van Vogt � ss
The Toy � R. M. Rhodes � ss
Manna from Heaven � Rick Conroy � ss Cry Chaos! � Dwight V. Swain � na

N� 33 - mai 1953
Couverture de Davis

Asleep in Armageddon � Ray Bradbury �
Holes, Incorporated � L. Major Reynolds �
Ancient City � Bryan Berry � ss
Only Human ["The Smiler"] � Albert Hernhuter �
How They Landed � Jack Ramstrom � vi; Translated from Swedish
Mind Within Mind � William F. Temple � na

N� 34 - juin 1953
Couverture de Davis

Cancel Tomorrow � J. F. Burke � ss
Ultimate Species � A. J. Merak � ss
Old Man Henderson � Kris Neville � ss
A Man Named Mars [as by A. R. Steber] � Rog Phillips � na


N� 35 - juillet 1953
Couverture de Davis

Sword from the Stars ["The Sword"] � Frank Quattrocchi � ss
Eve Hated Adam � Rick Conroy � ss
Home Is Tomorrow � Dan Morgan �
Tonight the Sky Will Fall! [*Tarl Brent] � Daniel F. Galouye � na

N� 36 - ao�t 1953
Couverture de Davis

The Tree � Bryan Berry � ss
Planet of Change � John Christopher � ss
Lone Wolf � Eric Storm � ss
The Loneliest World � J. F. Burke � nv
My Name Is Ozymandias � Martin Jordan � na

N� 37 - septembre 1953
Couverture de Davis

The Adaptable Man � Bryan Berry � na
Repulsion Factor � Charles Eric Maine � nv
Beyond the Barriers � Jon J. Deegan � ss
The Piper � Alan Hunter � ss
The Shining Ark � Brindley Ford � ss


N� 38 - octobre 1953
Couverture de Davis

Old Man of the Stars � J. F. Burke � na Conversation Piece � E. C. Tubb � ss
The Haunting � Arthur Sellings � ss
Relativity � Brindley Ford � ss
A Brainy Affair � John Falkner � ss
Megalocosmos � Macleod Robertson � ss

N� 39 - novembre 1953
Couverture de Davis

Subtle Victory � E. C. Tubb � na
Highway i ["Highway J"] � Charles Eric Maine � nv
Blemish � John Christopher � ss
Transition � David Wilcox � ss


N� 40 - d�cembre 1953
Couverture de Davis

The Best Laid Scheme � Kelvin Strike � na
Amateur Talent � Dan Morgan � ss
The Inner Worlds and My Uncle � M. Dogge � ss
For You, the Possessed � J. F. Burke � ss
Cuckoo � Martin Jordan � ss
Go to the Ants � A. P. Kift � ss

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