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N� 54 - Mai 1973
Couverture de Kelly Freas

Mayenne par E.C. Tubb

N� 55 - Mai 1973
Couverture de Karel Thole

The Book of Gordon Dickson (recueil de nouvelles)

N� 56 - Mai 1973
Couverture de John Holmes

Friends Come in Boxes par Michael G. Coney


N� 57 - Juin 1973
Couverture de Jack Gaughan

Ocean On Top par Hal Clement

N� 58 - Juin 1973
Couverture de Tim Kirk

Bernhard the Conqueror  par Sam J. Lundwall

N� 59 - Juin 1973
Couverture de Kelly Freas

Rhapsody in Black par Brian M. Stableford

N� 60 - Juin 1973
Couverture de John Kirk

What's  Become of  Scewloose ? And Other Inquiries. Anthology de Ron Goulart

Contient les r�cits suivants :
What's Become of Screwloose? � (1970) � short story by Ron Goulart
Junior Partner � (1962) � short story by Ron Goulart
Hardcastle � (1971) � short story by Ron Goulart
Into the Shop � (1964) � short story by Ron Goulart
Prez � (1970) � short story by Ron Goulart
Confessions � [Jose Silvera] � (1970) � novelette by Ron Goulart
Monte Cristo Complex � (1971) � short story by Ron Goulart
The Yes-Men of Venus � (1963) � short story by Ron Goulart
Keeping an Eye on Janey � (1970) � short story by Ron Goulart
Hobo Jungle � [Ben Jolsen / Chameleon Corps] � (1970) � novelette by Ron Goulart

N� 61 - Juillet 1973
Couverture Cris Foss

The Wrong End of Time par John Brunner


N� UY 1246 - Juillet 1976 (r��dition)
Couverture de Rick Sternbach

The Wrong End of Time par John Brunner

N� 62 - juillet 1973
Couverture de Luis Dominguez

When the Green Star Calls par Lin nCarter

N� 63 - juillet 1973
Couverture de Jack Gaughan

The Book of Philip Jos� Farmer. Recueil de nouvelles

Contient les r�cits suivants :
 My Sister's Brother � (1960) � novella by Philip Jos� Farmer (variant of Open to Me, My Sister)
Skinburn � [Wold Newton] � (1972) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
The Alley Man � (1959) � novella by Philip Jos� Farmer
Father's in the Basement � (1972) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
Toward the Beloved City � (1972) � novelette by Philip Jos� Farmer
Polytropical Paramyths � essay by Philip Jos� Farmer
Totem and Taboo � (1954) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
Don't Wash the Carats � (1968) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
The Sumerian Oath � (1972) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
The Voice of the Sonar in My Vermiform Appendix � (1971) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
Brass and Gold (or Horse and Zeppelin in Beverly Hills) � (1971) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
Only Who Can Make a Tree? � (1971) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
An Exclusive Interview with Lord Greystoke � (1972) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
Sexual Implications of the Charge of the Light Brigade � (1967) � short story by Philip Jos� Farmer
The Obscure Life and Hard Times of Kilgore Trout: A Skirmish in Biography � (1971) � short fiction by Philip Jos� Farmer

N� 64 - juillet 1973
Couverture de Kelloy Freas

Testamment XXL par Gary Snyder

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