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E.L. Arch - The Man with Three Eyes (1967)
Cover Gray Morrow
E.L. Arch - Bridge to Yesterday (1963)
Cover Emsh
Charles B. Stilson - Polaris of the Snows (1968)
Cover Gray Morrow
Charles B. Stilson - Minos of Sardanes (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow
Lester del Rey - Police your Planet (1956)
Cover Emsh
Jack Vance - Big Planet (1957)
Cover Emsh
Manly Wade Wellman - Island in the Sky (1961)
Cover Emsh
Manly Wade Wellman - The Dark Destroyers (1959)
Cover Emsh
Roger Lee Vernon - Robot Hunt (1959)
Cover Emsh
Wallace West - The Memory Bank (1961)
Cover Emsh
Wallace West - Outposts in Space (1962)
Cover Emsh
Russ Winterbotham - The Men from Arcturus (1963)
Cover Emsh
Russ Winterbotham - The Puppet Planet (1964)
Cover Emsh
Poul Anderson - Virgin Planet (1959)
Cover Emsh
Jeff Sutton - The Atom Conspiracy (1963)
Cover Emsh
Jack Vance - The Languages of Pao (1958)
Cover Ric Binkley
Manly Wade Wellman - Twice in Time (1957)
Cover Ric Binkley
Russ Winterbotham - The Space Egg (1958)
Cover Ric Binkley
Charles B. Stilson - Polaris and the Immortals (1968)
Cover Gray Morrow
Manly Wade Wellman - Giants from Eternity (1959)
Cover Emsh
Wallace West - Lords of Atlantis (1960)
Cover Emsh
E.L. Arch - The Double-Minded Man (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow
Poul Anderson - Starways (1956)
Cover Emsh
Francis Stevens - Claimed (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow
Leslie F. Stone - Out of the Void (1967)
Cover Michael Peters
E.C. Tubb - Alien Dust (1957)
Cover Emsh
(Voir ci-dessous)
Wallace West - River of Time (1963)
Cover Emsh
Wallace West - The Everlasting Exiles (1967)
Cover Michael M. Peters
Wallace West - The Time Lockers (1964)
Cover Emsh
Robert Moore Williams
Walk Up the Sky (1962)
Cover Emsh
Russ Winterbotham
The Lord of Nardos (1966)
Cover Gray Morrow
Dessin original par Emsh pour "Aien Dust" de E.C. Tubb

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