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Banni�re ISFDB pour New Worlds. Avec la permission de l'auteur et du propri�taire.
Banner from ISFDB for New Worlds. With permission from the author and the owner.

New Worlds (GB)

Quelques exemplaires de la revue britannique New Worlds dont 201 num�ros sont parus entre 1946 et 1971

NW_1.jpg (50898 octets)juillet 1946 - N� 1
Couverture de R.A. Wilkin

The Mill of the Gods � Maurice G. Hugi � nv
Solar Assignment � Mark Denholm � ss
Knowledge Without Learning � K. Thomas � ss
Sweet Mystery of Life � John Russell Fearn � ss
The Three Pylons � William F. Temple � nv
White Mouse � Thornton Ayre � ss

nw_4610.jpg (36812 octets)octobre 1946 - N� 2
Couverture de Viktor Caesari

The Living Lies � John Beynon � nv
Space Ship 13 � Patrick S. Selby � ss
The Vicious Circle � Polton Cross � ss
Lunar Concession � Thornton Ayre � nv
Foreign Body � John Brody � ss
The Micro Man ["Me and the Mite," as by Carl F. Burk] � Alden Lorraine � ss
Green Spheres � W. P. Cockcroft � ss

nw_1949-1.jpg (39552 octets)1949 - N� 4
Couverture de Dennis

World in Shadow [*Dick Maybach] � John Brody � 
The Cireesians � Norman A. Lazenby � ss
Edge of Night � John K. Aiken � ss
The Rebels � E. R. James � ss
Position Line � A. Bertram Chandler � ss

nw_1949-2.jpg (49646 octets)1949 - N� 5
Couverture de Clothier

Cassandra [*Anstar] � John K. Aiken � na
The Forgotten Enemy � Arthur C. Clarke � ss
Unknown Quantity � Peter Phillips � ss
Too Efficient � Sydney J. Bounds � ss
Necessity � F. G. Rayer � ss
Time to Rest [as by John Beynon Harris; *Bert] � John Beynon � ss
Pool of Infinity � W. Moore � ss

nw_1950printemps.jpg (55764 octets)printemps 1950 - N� 6
Couverture de Clothier

Phoenix Nest [*Anstar] � John K. Aiken � nv
Adoption � Don J. Doughty � ss
Castaway � George Whitley � ss
Adaptability � F. G. Rayer � ss
Jet Landing � Francis L. Ashton � vi
Coefficient X � A. Bertram Chandler � ss

nw_1950été.jpg (43725 octets)�t� 1950 - N� 7
Couverture de Clothier

The Dawn Breaks Red [*Dick Maybach] � John Brody � nv
Martian's Fancy � William F. Temple � ss
Plagiarist � Peter Phillips � nv
Quest � F. G. Rayer � ss

nw_1950hiver.jpg (46806 octets)hiver 1950 - N� 8
Couverture de Clothier

Guardian Angel � Arthur C. Clarke � 
Deus Ex Machina [*Magnis Mensas] � F. G. Rayer 
Robots Don't Bleed � J. W. Groves � ss
Bighead � William de Koven � nv
The Spirit of Earth � Sydney J. Bounds � ss
Chemical Plant � Ian Williamson � ss

nw_1951printemps.jpg (55324 octets)printemps 1951 - N� 9
Couverture de Clothier

And All Disastrous Things ["Raiders of the Solar Frontier"] � A. Bertram Chandler � nv 
Manhunt [*Lareena] � Cedric Walker � ss
Life Cycle [*Murphy] � Peter Hawkins � nv
No Place Like Earth [*Bert] � John Beynon � nv
Balance [*Max Larkin] � John Christopher � ss

nw_1951été.jpg (39681 octets)�t� 1951 - N� 10
Couverture de Clothier

Hydra � Arthur J. Burks � na
Machine Made � J. T. M'Intosh � ss
Prison Trap � F. G. Rayer � ss
Ape [by James Murdoch MacGregor & Frank H. Parnell] � Gregory Francis � ss
No Short Cuts � E. C. Tubb � ss


nw_1951automne.jpg (43836 octets)automne 1951 - N� 11
Couverture de Reina Bul

Cosmic Mirror � Lee Rondelle � nv
No Priority � H. H. Boyesen � ss
The Scapegoats [*Lareena] � Cedric Walker � ss
Greek Gift � E. C. Tubb � ss
The Tree ["Tree of Wrath"; *Max Larkin] � John Christopher � ss 
Welcome, Stranger! � Alan Barclay � ss

nw_1951hiver.jpg (47514 octets)hiver 1951 - N� 12
Couverture de Clothier

Time Was... [*Nick Riordan] � F. G. Rayer � nv
Question Mark [by James Murdoch MacGregor & Frank H. Parnell] � Gregory Francis � ss
Liaison Service � Sydney J. Bounds � ss
When Aliens Meet � J. T. M'Intosh � ss
No Heritage � George Longdon � ss
Entrance Exam � E. C. Tubb � ss

nw_5201.jpg (38103 octets)janvier 1952 - N� 13
Couverture de Quinn

Pest � A. Bertram Chandler � nv
Alien Analysis � Dan Morgan � ss
Without Bugles � E. C. Tubb � ss
A Matter of Salvage � Sydney J. Bounds � ss
Electronics�To Come � Frank G. Kerr � ar
Operation Exodus � Lan Wright � ss

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