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The Day of the Triffids
par John Wyndham

Dolphin Book/Doubleday - 1960

Couverture de John Alcom

Tales pf the Grotesque and Arabesque
par Edgar Allan Poe

Dolphin Book/Doubleday - 1960

Couverture d'Edward Gorey

The War of the Worlds and the Time Machine
par H.G. Wells

Dolphin Book/Doubleday - 1961

Couverture de Bill Meek

The Big Eye
par Max Ehrlich

Doubleday septembre 1949

Couverture de Giresti

Seetee Shock
par Jack Williamson

Simon & Schuster 1950

Couverture de Edward R. Collins

A Gnome There Was
par Lewis Padgett

Simon & Schuster 1950

Couverture de Edd Cartier

Dragon's Island
par Jack Williamson

Simon & Schuster 1951

Couverture de S. Robins

RF_101.jpg (50751 octets)Time and Again
par Clifford D. Simak

Simon & Schuster 1951

Couverture de Paul Kress

Ring Around the Sun
par Clifford D. Simak

Simon & Schuster 1953

Couverture de Paul Bacon

GY_5506.jpg (55826 octets)Pr�f�r� Risk
par Edson McCann

Simon & Schuster 1955

Couverture de Dick Dodge

No Blade of Grass
par John Christopher

Simon & Schuster 1957

Couverture (?)

Night of Fire and Snow
par Alfred Coppel

Simon & Schuster 1957

Couverture de Seymour Robins

The Caves of Night
par John Christopher

Simon & Schuster 1958

Couverture (?)

The 5th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril

Simon & Schuster 1960

Contient les r�cits suivants :
The Handler � (1960) � shortstory by Damon Knight
The Other Wife � (1960) � shortstory by Jack Finney
No Fire Burns � (1959) � shortstory by Avram Davidson
No, No, Not Rogov! � [The Instrumentality of Mankind] � (1959) � shortstory by Cordwainer Smith
The Shoreline at Sunset � (1959) � shortstory by Ray Bradbury
The Dreamsman � (1959) � shortstory by Gordon R. Dickson
Multum in Parvo � (1959) � shortstory by Jack Sharkey
Flowers for Algernon � (1959) � novelette by Daniel Keyes
 "What Do You Mean ... Human?" � [Editorial (Astounding)] � (1959) � essay by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Sierra Sam � (1960) � essay by Ralph Dighton
A Death in the House � (1959) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak
Mariana � (1960) � shortstory by Fritz Leiber
Inquiry Concerning the Curvature of the Earth's Surface � (1958) � shortstory by Roger Price (US)
Day at the Beach � (1959) � shortstory by Carol Emshwiller
Hot Argument � [Poor Willie] � (1960) � poem by Randall Garrett
What the Left Hand Was Doing � (1960) � novelette by Randall Garrett [as by Darrell T. Langart ]
The Sound-Sweep � (1960) � novelette by J. G. Ballard
Plenitude � (1959) � shortstory by Will Mohler [as by Will Worthington ]
The Man Who Lost the Sea � (1959) � shortstory by Theodore Sturgeon
Make a Prison � (1959) � shortstory by Lawrence Block
What Now, Little Man? � (1959) � novelette by Mark Clifton

Couverture H. Lawrence Hoffman

The Worlds of Clifford Simak
par Clifford D. Simak

Simon & Schuster 1960

Contient les r�cits suivants :
Dusty Zebra � (1954) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Honorable Opponent � (1956) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Carbon Copy � (1957) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Founding Father � (1957) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Idiot's Crusade � (1954) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
The Big Front Yard � (1958) � novella by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Operation Stinky � (1957) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Jackpot � (1956) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Death Scene � (1957) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Green Thumb � (1954) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Lulu � (1957) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]
Neighbor � (1954) � novelette by Clifford D. Simak [as by Clifford Simak ]

Couverture de Saul Lambert

Far Out
par Damon Knight

Simon & Schuster 1961

Contient les r�cits suivants :
To Serve Man � (1950) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Idiot Stick � (1958) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Thing of Beauty � (1958) � novelette by Damon Knight
The Enemy � (1958) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Not With a Bang � (1950) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Babel II � (1953) � novelette by Damon Knight
Anachron � (1954) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Special Delivery � (1954) � novelette by Damon Knight
You're Another � (1955) � novelette by Damon Knight
Time Enough � (1960) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Extempore � (1956) � shortstory by Damon Knight
Cabin Boy � (1951) � novelette by Damon Knight
The Last Word � (1957) � shortstory by Damon Knight

Couverture (?)

The 6th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril

Simon & Schuster 1961

Contient les r�cits suivants :
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble � (1960) � shortstory by Holley Cantine
The Never-Ending Penny � (1960) � novelette by Bernard Wolfe (variant of The Never Ending Penny)
The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl � (1960) � novelette by Ward Moore
Something Invented Me � (1960) � shortstory by R. C. Phelan
I Remember Babylon � (1960) � shortstory by Arthur C. Clarke
Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface � (1960) � shortstory by John Brunner
J.G. (Excerpt from J.G. the Upright Ape) � (1960) � shortfiction by Roger Price (US)
Chief � (1960) � shortstory by Henry Slesar
The Large Ant � (1960) � shortstory by Howard Fast
A Rose by Other Name ... � (1960) � shortstory by Christopher Anvil (variant of A Rose By Other Name 1959)
Enchantment � (1960) � shortstory by Elizabeth Emmett
Thiotimoline and the Space Age � [Thiotimoline � 3] � (1960) � shortstory by Isaac Asimov
Beach Scene � (1960) � shortstory by Marshall King
Creature of the Snows � (1960) � shortstory by William Sambrot
Abominable � (1960) � shortstory by Fredric Brown
The Man on Top � (1951) � shortstory by Reginald Bretnor [as by R. Bretnor
David's Daddy � (1960) � shortstory by Rosel George Brown
Something Bright � (1960) � shortstory by Zenna Henderson
In the House, Another � (1960) � shortstory by Joseph Whitehill
The Brotherhood of Keepers � (1960) � novelette by Dean McLaughlin
Hemingway in Space � (1960) � shortstory by Kingsley Amis
Mine Own Ways � (1960) � shortstory by Richard McKenna
Old Hundredth � (1960) � shortstory

Couverture de H. Lawrence Hoffman

The White Voyage
par John Christopher

Simon & Schuster 1961

Couverture (?)

A Century of Science Fiction
anthologie de Damon Knight

Simon & Schuster 1962

Contient les r�cits suivants :
The Wind People � (1959) � shortstory by Marion Zimmer Bradley
What's It Like Out There? � (1952) � novelette by Edmond Hamilton
The Star � (1955) � shortstory by Arthur C. Clarke
Sail On! Sail On! � (1952) � shortstory by Philip Jos� Farmer
Of Time and Third Avenue � (1951) � shortstory by Alfred Bester
Reason � [Mike Donovan (Robot)] � (1941) � shortstory by Isaac Asimov
The Crystal Egg � [The War of the Worlds] � (1897) � shortstory by H. G. Wells
Day of Succession � (1959) � shortstory by Theodore L. Thomas
Cease Fire � (1958) � shortstory by Frank Herbert
Unhuman Sacrifice � (1958) � novelette by Katherine MacLean
Call Me Joe � (1957) � novelette by Poul Anderson
The Business, As Usual � (1952) � shortstory by Mack Reynolds
Angel's Egg � (1951) � novelette by Edgar Pangborn
Moxon's Master � (1899) � shortstory by Ambrose Bierce
The First Days of May � (1960) � shortstory by Claude Veillot (trans. of Les premiers jours de mai)
Worlds of the Imperium (Excerpt) � (1961) � shortfiction by Keith Laumer
The Ideal (Excerpt) � [Professor Manderpootz] � (1935) � shortfiction by Stanley G. Weinbaum
You Are with It! � (1961) � shortstory by Will Stanton
What Was It? A Mystery � (1859) � shortstory by Fitz-James O'Brien (variant of What Was It?)
Sky Lift � (1953) � shortstory by Robert A. Heinlein
Who Can Replace a Man? � (1958) � shortstory by Brian W. Aldiss
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (excerpt) � (1956) � shortfiction by Jules Verne
From the "London Times" of 1904 � (1898) � shortstory by Mark Twain
Odd John (Excerpt) � (1935) � shortfiction by Olaf Stapledon
Another World � novelette by J. H. Rosny a�n� (trans. of Un autre monde 1895)

Couverture de H. Lawrence Hoffman


The 7th Annual of the Year's Best S-F
anthologie de Judith Merril

Simon & Schuster 1962

Contient les r�cits suivants :
A Passage from the Stars � (1961) � shortstory by Kaatje Hurlbut
Among the Dangs (excerpt) � (1958) � shortfiction by George P. Elliott
Immediately Yours � (1961) � shortstory by Robert Beverly Hale
Parky � (1961) � shortstory by David Rome
The Fastest Gun Dead � [Dr. Hiram Pertwee] � (1961) � shortstory by Julian F. Grow
All the Tea in China � (1961) � shortstory by Reginald Bretnor [as by R. Bretnor ]
The Portobello Road � (1956) � novelette by Muriel Spark
Ottmar Balleau X 2 � (1961) � shortstory by George Bamber
The Dandelion Girl � (1961) � shortstory by Robert F. Young
Nightmare in Time � shortstory by Fredric Brown (variant of The End 1961)
Three Prologues and an Epilogue � (1961) � poem by John Dos Passos
It Becomes Necessary � (1961) � shortstory by Ward Moore
My Trial as a War Criminal � (1949) � shortstory by Leo Szilard
A Prize for Edie � (1961) � shortstory by J. F. Bone
Freedom � (1961) � novelette by Mack Reynolds
High Barbary � (1961) � shortstory by Lawrence Durrell
The Quaker Cannon � (1961) � novelette by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth
Judas Bomb � (1961) � shortstory by Kit Reed
A Small Miracle of Fishhooks and Straight Pins � (1961) � shortstory by David R. Bunch
The Tunnel Ahead � (1961) � shortstory by Alice Glaser
The Countdown � (1961) � shortstory by John Haase
The Beat Cluster � (1961) � shortstory by Fritz Leiber 
The Ship Who Sang � [The Ship Who . . .] � (1961) � novelette by Anne McCaffrey
A Planet Named Shayol � [The Instrumentality of Mankind] � (1961) � novelette by Cordwainer Smith
The Asteroids, 2194 � [Troons] � (1960) � shortstory by John Wyndham
The Long Night � [The Exploits of Argo � 2] � (1961) � shortstory

Couverture Nick Musi

The Day of the Triffids
par John Wyndham

Doubleday 1951

Couverture de Witney Bender

par Philip K. Dick

Doubleday 1969

Couverture de Peter Rauch

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