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N� 1 - janvier 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennington

Melancholia Has a Plastic Core � Brian Aldiss � ss
A Woman Naked � Christopher Priest � ss
Pirates of the Asteroids [as by Paul French; *David "Lucky" Starr] � Isaac Asimov

N� 2 - f�vrier 1974
Couverture de Christopher Foss

The Tree in the Forest � Terry Greenhough � ss
Blue Theme and Fugue � Robert Wells � ss
The Godmakers � Frank Herbert �
Vicious Circle � Alan Harley � ss

N� 3 - mars 1974
Couverture de Ray Feibush

Time Enough for Love [*Lazarus Long] � Robert Heinlein �
The Mist at the Bottom of the Valley � Douglas Fulthorpe � ss
Starport � Sydney J. Bounds � ss

N� 4 - avril 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennigton

Dark Icarus [*Rob Hasson] � Bob Shaw � ss
Turning Point Tuesday Morning � Grahame Leman � ss
Wilbur � Terry Greenhough � ss
Watch-Chain of Ajjer � Ron Owen � ss

N� 5 - mai 1974
Couverture de Chris Yates

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life � Dan Morgan � ss
To Live Again � Robert Silverberg �
The Death of Man � Douglas Fulthorpe � vi

N� 6 - juin 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennington

Every Little Star � E. J. Stark � ss
Apple [*Daffyd op Owen] � Anne McCaffrey � nv
A Story with a Happy Ending � Brian M. Stableford � vi

N� 7 - juillet 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennington

In the Hour of Not Quite Rain or Five Views from Sodom � Robert Borski � ss
History Lesson � Arthur C. Clarke � ss
Investigation, Meeting, Destruction � Peter D. F. Webb � ss

N� 8 - ao�t 1974
Couverture de David Hardy

Testing...One, Two, Three, Four � Steve Chapman � ss
The One Who Waits � Ray Bradbury � ss
Sad Story � Brian M. Stableford � vi
The Exhibition � Scott Edelstein � ss

N� 9 - septembre 1974
Couverture de David Pelham

Blindness � J�rgen vom Scheidt; trans. by Margaret D. Howie � ss
The Puff-Ball Menace ["Spheres of Hell", as by John Beynon Harris] � John Wyndham � nv
 The Landlord � Delia Leslie � ss

N� 10 - octobre 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennington

Song of the Dead Gulls � Chris Penn � ss
Sitting on a Starwood Stool � Ian Watson � ss
The Fall of Atlantis [from "Triplanetary"; *Lensmen] � E. E. "Doc" Smith �

N� 11 - novembre 1974
Couverture de Ray Winder

A World of Sound � Olaf Stapledon � ss
The Legend of GX-118 � David S. Garnett � ss
The Last Weapon � Douglas Fulthorpe � ss

N� 12 - d�cembre 1974
Couverture de Bruce Pennington

Horizontal Spy � David Coles � ss Jamboree � Jack Williamson � ss
Time and Again � David James � ss

N� 13 - janvier 1975
Couverture de Gareth Colman

Return to Earth � Christine Stinchcombe � ss
The Last Evolution � John W. Campbell � ss
Cosmic Echoes � David Stammers � ss
Our Loves So Truly Meridional � Ian Watson � ss

N� 14 - f�vrier 1975
Couverture de Tim White

Brainstorm in a Pleasure Dome � Barry Sutton �
A Can of Paint � A. E. van Vogt � ss
Beautiful Dreamer � David Henderson � ss
The Harme-Oats Effect � J. Jeff Jones & Michael Butterworth � ss

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