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Magazine australien de science-fiction. Edit� par Malian Press. 41 num�ros parus entre 1952 et 1955

N� 1 - Juin 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Red Death of Mars � novelette by Robert Moore Williams (variant of The Red Death of Mars 1940) [as by R. M. Williams ]
The Plants � (1946) � shortstory by Murray Leinster


N� 2 - Juillet 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Conquest of the Stars � (1952) � novelette by Murray Leinster


N� 3 - Juillet 1952
Couverture de Safone Jais

The Man Who Sold the Moon � [D. D. Harriman] � (1950) � novella by Robert A. Heinlein

N� 4 - Ao�t 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

 Soldado Ant � (1952) � shortfiction by Murray Leinster [as by Will F. Jenkins ]
Private Eye � (1949) � novelette by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore [as by Lewis Padgett ]
Mouse � (1949) � shortstory by Fredric Brown

N� 5 - Septembre 1952
Couverture de Safone Jais

The Thing from Another World � (1938) � novella by John W. Campbell, Jr.

N� 6 - Octobre 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Death of the Moon � (1929) � shortstory by A. M. Phillips (variant of The Death of the Moon) [as by Alexander M. Phillips ]
Hermit of Saturn's Ring � (1940) � shortstory by Neil R. Jones
A Logic Named Joe � (1946) � shortstory by Murray Leinster [as by Will F. Jenkins ]
The Fourth Dimensional Demonstrator � (1935) � shortstory by Murray Leinster (variant of The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator)

N� 7 - Novembre 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

The Unknown � (1952) � novella by Murray Leinster (variant of Fury from Lilliput 1949)

N� 8 D�cembre 1952
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Clash by Night � [Keeps � 1] � (1943) � novella by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore [as by Lawrence O'Donnell ]

N� 9 - Janvier 1953
Couverture ?

The Monster � (1953) � shortstory by Nelson S. Bond (variant of The Monster from Nowhere 1939) [as by Nelson Bond ]
The Ring � (1949) � shortstory by Nelson S. Bond [as by Nelson Bond ]
The Enchanted Pencil � (1946) � shortstory by Nelson S. Bond [as by Nelson Bond ]
The Mask of Medusa � (1945) � shortstory by Nelson S. Bond [as by Nelson Bond ]

N� 10 - F�vrier 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

fuge for Tonight � (1949) � novelette by Robert Moore Williams [as by Robert Williams ]
Locked Out � (1940) � shortstory by H. B. Fyfe
Schedule � (1945) � shortstory by Harry Walton

N� 11 - Mars 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Adventure in Time � (1952) � novelette by Lester del Rey (variant of Unto Him That Hath) [as by Philip St. John ]
Survival of the Fittest � (1951) � novelette by Gene L. Henderson

N� 12 - Avril 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Fires of Forever � (1952) � novelette by Chad Oliver (variant of The Fires of Forever) Reaching for the Moon � (1951) � shortstory by Evan Hunter [as by S. A. Lombino ]
The Way Back � (1951) � shortstory by Margaret St. Clair

N� 13 Mai 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Moonwalk � (1952) � novelette by H. B. Fyfe
Hero's Way � (1952) � shortstory by Judith Merril
Fool's Errand � (1951) � shortstory by Lester del Rey

N� 14 - Juin 1953
Couverture ?

Moon-Blind � (1952) � novelette by Lester del Rey [as by Erik Van Lhin ]
The Fence � (1952) � shortstory by Clifford D. Simak
Recognition � (1952) � shortstory by Tom Pace

N� 15 - Juillet 1953
Couverture ?

The Dead World � (1929) � novelette by Miles J. Breuer, M.D. and Clare Winger Harris (variant of A Baby on Neptune)
My Nephew Norvell � (1946) � shortstory by Nelson S. Bond [as by Nelson Bond ]
The Belt � (1951) � shortstory by Wallace West

N� 16 - Ao�t 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Dead Knowledge � (1938) � novelette by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Men of the Ten Books � (1951) � shortstory by Jack Vance (variant of The Ten Books)
The Rats � (1951) � shortstory by Arthur Porges

N� 17 - Septembre 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Elimination � (1936) � shortstory by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Frictional Losses � (1936) � novelette by John W. Campbell, Jr.
The Altruist � (1951) � shortstory by Morton Klass

N� 18 - Octobre 1953
Couverture ?

Danger Moon � (1951) � novelette by Frederik Pohl (variant of Red Moon of Danger) [as by James MacCreigh ]

N� 19 - Novembre 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

Veiled Knowledge � (1951) � novelette by James E. Gunn (variant of The Sun Came Up Last Night!) [as by Edwin JamesNo More Pencils � (1951) � shortstory by Joquel Kennedy

N� 20 - D�cembre 1953
Couverture de Stanley Pitt

The Invaders � novelette by Robert S. Carr (variant of Easter Eggs 1949) [as by Robert Spencer Carr
Dwellers in Silence � [The Martian Chronicles] � (1948) � shortstory by Ray Bradbury
Flaw � (1949) � shortstory by John D. MacDonald

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Pages : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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