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I Am Legend
par Richard Matheson

Walker and Co  - Juin 1970

Couverture de Jack Gaughan

par Jack Vance

Doubleday - 1969

Couverture de Paul Covington

Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter
par Isaac Asimov

Doubleday - 1957

Couverture de Albert Orbaan

Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn
par Isaa Asimov

Doubleday - 1958

Couverture de Albert Orbaan

Space Service
par Andre Norton

World Publishing - Janvier 1953

Couverture de Virgil Finlay

The Dreaming Jewels
par Theodore Sturgeon

Greenberg - 1950

Artiste non cr�dit�

Cat's Cradle
par Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Holt, Rinehart and Winston / SFBC  - Avril 1963

Artiste non cr�dit�

Creep, Shadow
par Abraham Merritt

Doubleday - 1934

Artiste non cr�dit�

Lucky Starr and the Bug Sun of Mercury
par Isaac Asimov

Doubleday - 1956

Couverture de Albert Orbaan

Across the Sea of Stars
Anthollogie consacr�e � Arthur C. Clarke

Harcourt, Brace & Company - 1959

Artiste non cr�dit�

Contient les r�cits suivants :
The Sentinel � [A Space Odyssey] � (1951) short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Inheritance � (1947) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Encounter at Dawn � [A Space Odyssey] � (1953) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke (variant of Encounter in the Dawn)
Superiority � (1951) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Hide and Seek � (1949) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
History Lesson � (1949) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
"If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth ..." � (1951) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Breaking Strain � (1949) � novelette by Arthur C. Clarke
Silence, Please! � [Tales from the White Hart] � (1950) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Armaments Race � [Tales from the White Hart] � (1954) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Pacifist � [Tales from the White Hart] � (1956) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Next Tenants � [Tales from the White Hart] � (1957) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Reluctant Orchid � [Tales from the White Hart] � (1956) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Rescue Party � (1946) � novelette by Arthur C. Clarke
Technical Error � (1946) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Fires Within � (1947) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Time's Arrow � (1950) � short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Jupiter Five � (1953) � novelette by Arthur C. Clarke
Childhood's End � (1953) � novel by Arthur C. Clarke

Earthlight � (1955) � novel by Arthur C. Clarke

The Witches of Karres
par James H. Schmitz

Chilton - 1966

Couverture de Jeff Zinggeler

Dwellers in the Mirage
par Abraham Merritt

Liveright, Inc. - 1932

Four-Day Planet
par H. Beam Piper

G. P. Putnam's Sons - 1961

Couverture de Charles Geer

The World Below
par S. Fpwler Wright

Longmans, Green and Co. - 1930

Artiste non cr�dit�

Sea Siege
par Andre Norton

Harcourt, Brace & Company - 1957

Couverture de Richard Powers

The High Crusade
par Poul Anderson

Doubleday Science Fiction - 1960

Couverture de Harry Schaare

Shadow Hawk
par Andre Norton

Harcourt, Brace & Company - 1960

Couverture de Edwind Schmidt

The City in the Clouds
par C. Ranger Gull

Hurst and Blackett - 1921

Artiste non cr�dit�

City at World's End
par Edmond Hamilton

Frederick Fell - F�vrier 1961

Artiste non cr�dit�

Earth Abide
par George R. Stewart

Random House  - 1949

Couverture de H. Lawrence Hoffman

Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus
par Paul French (Isaac Asimov)

Doubleday - 1954

Couverture de Richard Powers

The Defiant Agents
par Andre Norton

World Publishing - F�vrier 1962

Couverture de Emsh

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