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N� 18 - janvier 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

The Lonely Path � novelette by John Ashcroft
The Aztec Plan � novelette by Kenneth Bulmer
Umbrella in the Sky � shortstory by E. C. Tubb
Weapon Master � shortstory by Robert Hoskins

N� 19 - mars 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Design Dilemma � novelette by Kenneth Bulmer [as by Nelson Sherwood ]
Contact Pattern � [Magnus Mensis] � novelette by Francis G. Rayer
The Amateurs � shortstory by Gordon R. Dickson
Conquest By Proxy � shortstory by Dale Hart

N� 20 - mai 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Wind of Liberty � Kenneth Bulmer � na
The Wages of Death � Robert Silverberg � nv
Machine Record � Tevis Cogswell � ss

N� 21 - juillet 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

A Trek to Na-Abiza � William F. Temple � na No Longer Alone � John Ashcroft � na

N� 22 - septembre 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Should Tyrone Fail � Lan Wright � na
The Game � David Rome � nv
Babel Has 500 Floors � W. T. Webb � nv

N� 23 - novembre 1961
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Trial � Nelson Sherwood � na
Stark Refuge � John Kippax � nv
The Thin Red Line � Noel Baddow Pope � ss
By Implication � Bertrand Chandler � ss

sfad_6201.jpg (52995 octets)N� 24 - janvier 1962
Couverture de Brian Lewis

The Drowned World � J. G. Ballard � na
Bliss � David Rome � nv
Pressure � Lee Harding � nv

N� 25 - mars 1962
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Spoil of Yesterday [*Don Miguel Navarro (Society of Time)] � John Brunner � nv
Blind as a Bat � Philip E. High � nv
Going Home � Michael Moorcock � ss
Deviant � Alan Burns � ss
Einstein's Universe � Steve Hall � ss

sfad_6205.jpg (40881 octets)N� 26 - mai 1962
Couverture de Brian Lewis

Scarlet Denial [*Sandoz] � Nelson Sherwood � na
The Word Not Written [*Don Miguel Navarro (Society of Time)] � John Brunner � nv
Fishing Trip � P. F. Woods � ss


sfad_6207.jpg (35161 octets)N� 27 - juillet 1962
Couverture de Brian Lewis

The Fullness of Time [*Don Miguel Navarro (Society of Time)] � John Brunner � nv
Takeover Bid � Steve Hall � nv
War with the Robots � Harry Harrison � nv
The Radius Riders � P. F. Wood � ss
Confidence Trick � David Rome � ss

N� 28 - septembre 1962
Couverture de Gerard Quinn

Scarlet Dawn [*Sandoz] � Nelson Sherwood � na
Earthmen, Farewell � W. T. Webb � na
Out There � Sydney J. Bounds � s

sfad_6211.jpg (36084 octets)N� 29 - novembre 1962
Couverture de Singleton

The Sundered Worlds [*Asquiol] � Michael Moorcock � na
The Third Law � Russ Markham � nv
Vendetta's End � John Baxter � ss
The High Edge � Mark Streeter � ss

N� 30 - janvier 1963
Couverture de Singleton

The Rainmakers � John Rackham � na
Placebo � Alan Burns � nv
The Fourth Generation � Joseph Green � nv
Walk to a Star � Colin Denbigh � ss


sfad_6303.jpg (45475 octets)

N� 31 - mars 1963
Couverture de Gerard Quinn

Breakdown � Richard Graham � na
Jack Fell Down � John Brunner � nv
Inherit the Earth � Claude & Rhoda Nunes � nv
Foolproof � Peter Vaughan � ss

N� 32 - mai 1963 (dernier num�ro)
Couverture de Gerard Quinn

The Blood Red Game [*Asquiol] � Michael Moorcock � na
A Task for Calvi � Lan Wright � na

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