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Analog Science Fact & Fiction

ANNEE 1960

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Janvier - N� 350, couverture de van Dongen

Deathworld [Part 1 of 3; *Jason dinAlt] � Harry Harrison � n.
Attention Saint Patrick � Murray Leinster 
A Rose by Other Name... � Christopher Anvil � 
The Burning Bridge [*Rustum Migration] � Poul Anderson � nv
Viewpoint � Randall Garrett � t
Stress Pattern � Robert Silverberg � nv
F�vrier - N� 351, couverture de John W. Campbell "Color Vision"

What the Left Hand Was Doing [*Brian Taggert] � Darrell T. Langart � nv
Summit � Mack Reynolds � ss
Due Process � Algis Budrys � ss
The Calibrated Alligator [*Al Mason] � Calvin M. Knox � nv
Deathworld [Part 2 of 3; *Jason dinAlt] � Harry Harrison � n.
The Leader � Murray Leinster � ss

Mars - N� 352, couverture de van Dongen "Immortality for Some"

Immortality for Some � J. T. McIntosh � nv
In Case of Fire � Randall Garrett � ss
Shotgun Wedding � Christopher Anvil � ss
Deathworld [Part 3 of 3; *Jason dinAlt] � Harry Harrison � n.
The Barrier Moment � Winston P. Sanders � ss

Avril - N� 353, couverture de Kelly Freas "Out Like a Light"

Out Like a Light [Part 1 of 3; *Kenneth J. Malone] � Mark Phillips � n.
The Ambulance Made Two Trips � Murray Leinster 
The Misplaced Battleship [*Slippery Jim (James Bolivar) diGriz] � Harry Harrison � nv
The Measure of a Man � Randall Garrett � ss
Make Mine Homogenized � Rick Raphael � nv

Mai - N� 354, couverture de van Dongen
"Damned If You Don't"

Damned If You Don't � Randall Garrett � nv
Egocentric Orbit � John Cory � vi
Wizard � Larry M. Harris � ss
Revolution � Mack Reynolds � n
Out Like a Light [Part 2 of 3; *Kenneth J. Malone] � Mark Phillips � n.

Juin - N� 355, couverture de Schoenherr "Crash Program"

Star Tiger � Christopher Anvil � nv
Charley de Milo � Larry M. Harris � nv
Vigorish [*Lodge] � Walter Bupp � nv
Out Like a Light [Part 3 of 3; *Kenneth J. Malone] � Mark Phillips � n.

Juillet - N� 356, couverture de van Dongen "The High Crusade"

The High Crusade [Part 1 of 3] � Poul Anderson 
The Troublemaker [*Al & Sam (letters)] � Christopher Anvil � ss
The Brotherhood of Keepers � Dean McLaughlin 
Subspace Survivors � Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. � 

Ao�t - N� 357, couverture de Schoenherr "Adaptation"

Adaptation � Mack Reynolds � na
Pushbutton War � Joseph P. Martino � ss
Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface � John Brunner � vi
A Taste of Poison [*James Cardan] � Christopher Anvil � ss
The High Crusade [Part 2 of 3] � Poul Anderson 

Septembre - N� 358, couverture de Van Dongen
"By Proxy"

By Proxy � David Gordon � nv
A Transmutation of Muddles � H. B. Fyfe � ss
The High Crusade [Part 3 of 3] � Poul Anderson
Barnacle Bull � Winston P. Sanders � ss
Alarm Clock � Everett B. Cole � nv

Octobre - N� 359, couverture ?
"The Self-Repairing Robot"

The Lost Kafoozalum [*Lizzie Lee] � Pauline Ashwell � na
Satellite System � H. B. Fyfe � ss
Combat � Mack Reynolds � nv
Psichopath � Darrel T. Langart � nv

Novembre - N� 360, couverture de van Dongen "Occasion for Disaster"

Occasion for Disaster [Part 1 of 4; *Kenneth J. Malone] � Mark Phillips � n.
The Crackpot � Theodore L. Thomas � ss
The Piebald Horse � E. C. Tubb � ss
Sunspot � Hal Clement � ss
Oomphel in the Sky � H. Beam Piper � nv

D�cembre - N� 361, couverture de Schoenherr "The Longest Voyage"

The Longest Voyage � Poul Anderson � nv
The K-Factor � Harry Harrison � nv
The Untouchable � Stephen A. Kallis, Jr. � ss
Occasion for Disaster [Part 2 of 4; *Kenneth J. Malone] � Mark Phillips � n.
Gun for Hire � Mack Reynolds � ss
Man of Action � Donald E. Westlake � ss

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