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Analog Science Fact & Fiction

ANNEE 1975

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N� 530 - janvier, couverture de John Schoenherr

The Borderland of Sol [*Beowulf Shaeffer] � Larry Niven � nv
January, 1975 � Barry Malzberg � vi
End Game [*Mandella] � Joe Haldeman � nv
The Gambling Hell and the Sinful Girl � Katherine MacLean � ss
The Indian Giver
[Part 3 of 3] � Alfred Bester �

N� 531 - f�vrier, couverture de Frank Kelly Freas

Lifeboat [Part 1 of 3] � Gordon R. Dickson & Harry Harrison � n.
The Hunters of Tharsis [*Tom McCormick] � Bob Buckley � ss
Equinocturne � Bob Chuck Wilson � nv
The Tax Man � Stephen Robinett � ss
The Negotiators [*James Retief] � Keith Laumer �

N� 532 - mars, couverture de Jack Gaughan

Jill the Giant-Killer � William Tuning & Ewing Edgar � na
Building Block � Sonya Dorman � ss
Child of All Ages [*Melissa] � P. J. Plauger � ss
[Part 2 of 3] � Gordon R. Dickson & Harry Harrison � n.
Mail Supremacy [*Chap Foey Rider] � Hayford Peirce � vi

N� 533 - avril, couverture de Rick Sternbach

Crazy Oil [*Collins] � Brenda Pearce � na
To Be or Knot to Be � Alecs Baird � ss
The Sixth Face � Thomas Sullivan � ss
Lifeboat [Part 3 of 3] � Gordon R. Dickson & Harry Harrison � n.
Doing Lennon � Gregory Benford � ss

N� 534 - mai, couverture de Jack Gaughan

The Storms of Windhaven [*Maris] � Lisa Tuttle & George R. R. Martin � na
Nascent � Michael Sutch � nv
Country of the Mind [*Ravenshaw] � W. Macfarlane � nv
A Scraping at the Bones � Algis Budrys � ss
Two Heads Are Better Than One [*Callahan's Place] � Spider Robinson � ss

N� 535 - juin, couverture de John Schoenherr

Doorways in the Sand [Part 1 of 3] � Roger Zelazny � n.
Wheel of Fire � Barbara Bartholomew � ss
Fault � James Gunn � ss
Swiss Movement [*Hans Bergenholm; *Gunnar Einerson] � Eric Vinicoff & Marcia Martin � nv
Snowball at Perihelion � Glen M. Bever � na

N� 536 - juillet, couverture de John Schoenherr

And Seven Times Never Kill Man � George R. R. Martin � nv
Ageism � Walter L. Fisher � ss
Doorways in the Sand [Part 2 of 3] � Roger Zelazny � n.
All the Charms of Sycorax � Alan Brennert � ss
None So Blind � Hayford Peirce � ss
Down on Banderlog Farm � Robert Borski � nv

N� 537 - ao�t, couverture de Andrei Sokolov

Consort [*Aeneas MacKenzie] � Jerry Pournelle �
The Peddler's Apprentice � Joan & Vernor Vinge �
Doorways in the Sand [Part 3 of 3] � Roger Zelazny � n.
Doing Well While Doing Good [*Chap Foey Rider] � Hayford Peirce � ss

N� 538 - septembre, couverture de Rick Sternbach

Pro � Gordon R. Dickson � na
Beyond Grayworld � Gregory Benford � ss
The Killers � Karl Hansen � ss
The Restoration � Gordon Eklund � na


N� 539 - octobre, couverture de Frank Kelly Freas

Star Probe [Part 1 of 3] � Joseph Green � n.
The Tripper � Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. � ss Anniversary Project � Joe Haldeman � ss Nuisance Value � James White � nv
Unnatural Causes [*Callahan's Place] � Spider Robinson � nv
Sierra Maestra � Norman Spinrad � ss
In the High Court of Justice � Lord St. Davids � ss

N� 540 - novembre, couverture de Vincent di Fate plus dessin original

Home Is the Hangman [*Nemo] � Roger Zelazny
To Live in Alloy Continuity � Eric Vinicoff & Marcia Martin � ss
Star Probe [Part 2 of 3] � Joseph Green � n.
The Cerebrated Jumping Frog � Don Tuite � ss
A Voice Is Heard in Ramah... [*Callahan's Place] � Spider Robinson � ss

N� 541 - d�cembre, couverture de Jack Gaughan

The Bitter Bread � Poul Anderson � nv
Unfaithful Recording [*A.E.S.O.P.] � Bob Shaw �
The Visible Man � Gardner R. Dozois � n
Star Probe
[Part 3 of 3] � Joseph Green � n.
Love for All and All for Love � Daniel P. Dern � ss

46 ann�es d'Astounding puis d'Analog ont �t� pr�sent�es sur le site pour se terminer avec l'ann�e 1975.  Bien entendu Analog n'a pas cess� sa parution et la suite des num�ros peut �tre consult�e sur le site Visco � l'adresse

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