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Analog Science Fact & Fiction

ANNEE 1970

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Janvier - N� 470, couverture de J. Russell Seitz

The Wild Blue Yonder � Rob Chilson � nv The Proper Gander � A. Bertram Chandler � ss
Curfew � Bruce Daniels � nv
The Pyrophilic Saurian [*Omar Olivine] � Howard L. Myers � nv
In Our Hands, the Stars [Part 2 of 3] � Harry Harrison � n.

F�vrier - N� 471, couverture de Kelly Freas

Birthright [*Nicolas vanRijn] � Poul Anderson � nv
Dali, for Instance � Jack Wodhams � ss The Fifth Ace � Rob Chilson � nv
In Our Hands, the Stars [Part 3 of 3] � Harry Harrison � n.
The Biggest Oil Disaster � Hayden Howard � nv

Mars - N� 472, couverture de Kelly Freas

The Siren Stars [Part 1 of 3; *John Leigh] � Richard & Nancy Carrigan � n.
One Step from Earth � Hank Dempsey � ss Protection � Steven Shaw � ss
Ravenshaw of WBY, Inc. [*Ravenshaw] � W. Macfarlane � nv
Wrong Rabbit � Jack Wodhams � ss Revolutionaries � M. R. Anver � nv

Avril - N� 473, couverture de Kelly Freas plus dessin original
Here, There Be Witches [*Philosophical Corps] � Everett B. Cole � nv
Quiet Village � David McDaniel � nv
The Siren Stars
[Part 2 of 3; *John Leigh] � Richard & Nancy Carrigan � n.
Come You Nigh: Kay Shuns � Lawrence A. Perkins
The Life Preservers � Hank Dempsey � nv Seed Stock � Frank Herbert � ss
Mai - N� 474, couverture de Kelly Freas

But Mainly by Cunning [*Nils J�rnhand] � John Dalmas � nv
Resident Witch [*Telzey Amberdon] � James H. Schmitz � nv
Caveat Emptor � Lee Killough � ss
Heavy Duty � Hank Dempsey � ss
The Siren Stars [Part 3 of 3; *John Leigh] � Richard & Nancy Carrigan � n

Juin - N� 475, couverture de Kelly Freas

Star Light [Part 1 of 4; *Barlennan; *Easy Rich (later Hoffman)] � Hal Clement � n.
A Tale of the Ending � Hank Dempsey � ss Compulsion [*Telzey Amberdon; *Trigger Argee] � James H. Schmitz
A Matter of Orientation � Bob Buckley � ss Message to an Alien � Keith Laumer � ss

Juillet - N� 476, couverture de Leo R. Summers

Per Stratagem � Rob Chilson � nv
Beau Farcson Regrets � Jack Wodhams � ss
Rare Events � D. A. L. Hughes � nv
Ark IV � Jackson Burrows � ss
Star Light [Part 2 of 4; *Barlennan; *Easy Rich (later Hoffman)] � Hal Clement � n.

Ao�t - N� 477, couverture de Kelly Freas

Star Light [Part 3 of 4; *Barlennan; *Easy Rich (later Hoffman)] � Hal Clement � n. Meet a Crazy Lady Week [*Ravenshaw] � W. Macfarlane � nv
Heavy Thinker � Howard L. Myers � ss Excelsior! � Rob Chilson � ss
Brillo � Ben Bova & Harlan Ellison � nv

Septembre - N� 478, couverture de Kelly Freas

Lost Newton [*Terek] � Stanley Schmidt � nv
The Wandering Buoy [*John Grimes] � A. Bertram Chandler � ss
"Talk with the Animals�" � Stephen Tall � ss
Top Billing � Jack Wodhams � ss
Star Light [Part 4 of 4; *Barlennan; *Easy Rich (later Hoffman)] � Hal Clement � n.

Octobre - N� 479, couverture de Kelly Freas

The Tactics of Mistake [Part 1 of 4; *Childe Cycle] � Gordon R. Dickson � n. Rescue Squad for Ahmed [*Rescue Squad] � Katherine MacLean � nv Exodus�Genesis [*Nils J�rnhand] � John Dalmas �
The Happiest Day of Your Life � Bob Shaw � ss
Messything � Lawrence A. Perkins � ss

Novembre - N� 480, couverture de Kelly Freas

The Plague � Keith Laumer � nv
Bomb Scare � Vernor Vinge � ss
In the Wabe � Rob Chilson � nv
The Busted Troubadour � Jackson Burrows � ss
The Tactics of Mistake [Part 2 of 4; *Childe Cycle] � Gordon R. Dickson � n.

D�cembre - N� 481, couverture de Kelly Freas

Ecological Niche � Rob Chilson � na Forever Enemy � Howard L. Myers � ss
Big Time Operator � Jack Wodhams � nv Apron Chains � Christopher Anvil � ss The Tactics of Mistake [Part 3 of 4; *Childe Cycle] � Gordon R. Dickson � n.

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