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ANNEE 1963

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VOL. 37, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture de Llyod Birmingham

Cerebrum � Albert Teichner � ss
It Could Be Anything � Keith Laumer � nv
Cully � Jack Egan � ss
The Putnam Tradition � S. Dorman � ss Omega, the Man � Lowell Howard Morrow � nv

VOL. 37, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Vernon Kramer

Recovery Area � Daniel F. Galouye � na
The Smart Ones � Jack Sharkey � ss Phoenix � Ted White & Marion Zimmer Bradley � ss
The Tale of the Atom � Philip Dennis Chamberlain � ss
How Deep the Grooves � Philip Jos� Farmer � ss

VOL. 37, N� 3 - mars
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham

Babylon in the Sky � Edmond Hamilton � ss
Jupiter Found � Robert F. Young � ss
Chocky � John Wyndham � nv
The Borgia Hand � Roger Zelazny � ss
The Walls � Keith Laumer � ss
The Sherrington Theory � J. G. Ballard � ss
Star Chamber � H. B. Fyfe � ss

VOL. 37, N� 4 - avril
Couverture de Virgil Finlay

The Beacon to Elsewhere � James H. Schmitz �
Circe Has Her Problems � Roger Zelazny � ss
Somebody up There Hates Us � David R. Bunch �
For Service Rendered � J. F. Bone � ss
The Stainless Steel Leech � Harrison Denmark �


VOL. 37, N� 5 - mai
Couverture de Ray Kalfus plus illustration de Virgil Finlay pour "The Road to Sinharat"

Jobo � Henry Slesar � nv
The Right Side of the Tracks � Albert Teichner �
The Deep Space Scrolls � Robert F. Young � ss
The Road to Sinharat � Leigh Brackett � nv

VOL. 37, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de Emsh

The Programmed People [Part 1 of 2] � Jack Sharkey � na
The Demi-Urge � Thomas M. Disch � vi Telempathy [*Everett O'Toole] � Vance Simonds
Through Channels � Arthur Porges � vi
The Encounter � J. G. Ballard � nv

VOL. 37, N� 7 - juillet
Couverture de Emsh

Redemption � Robert F. Young � nv
The Formula � Arthur Porges � ss
The Game � Neal Barrett, Jr. � nv
The Yes Men of Venus � Ron Goulart � ss
The Programmed People [Part 2 of 2] � Jack Sharkey � na

VOL. 37, N� 8 - ao�t
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham

Reign of the Telepuppets � Daniel F. Galouye �
"Utopia? Never!" � Thomas M. Disch � vi
 Dr. Jeckers and Mr. Hyde � John Rackham � ss
The Lesson for Today � David Rome � ss Mine Is the Kingdom � Harrison Denmark � ss

VOL. 37, N� 9 - septembre
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham

Homo Aquaticus � Poul Anderson � ss
Boarding Party � Robert F. Young � ss
The Winds of If [*John Grimes] � A. Bertram Chandler � na

VOL. 37, N� 10 - octobre
Couverture de Lyod Birmingham

Drunkboat � Cordwainer Smith � nv
The Fastest Draw � Larry Eisenberg � ss
Stand-By [*Jim Briskin] � Philip K. Dick � ss
The Prince of Liars � L. Taylor Hansen � nv
The Misfit � Roger Zelazny � ss

VOL. 37, N� 11 - novembre
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Savage Pellucidar [*Pellucidar] � Edgar Rice Burroughs � na
Down to Earth � Harry Harrison � nv
What'll We Do with Ragland Park? [*Jim Briskin] � Philip K. Dick � nv
Quinquepedalian � Piers Anthony � ss

VOL. 37, N� 12 - d�cembre
Couverture de Emsh

To Plant a Seed � Neal Barrett, Jr. � nv
Killjoy � F. A. Javor � ss
The Days of Perky Pat � Philip K. Dick � nv
The God on the 36th Floor � Herbert D. Kastle �
The Klygha � H. B. Fyfe � ss

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