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ANNEE 1965

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VOL. 39, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture de
Michael Arndt

Blue Boy � Jack Sharkey � nv
A Child of Mind � Norman Spinrad � ss
The Hard Way � Robert Rohrer � ss
He Who Shapes [Part 1 of 2] � Roger Zelazny � na
The Handyman � Leo P. Kelley � ss

VOL. 39, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Paula McLane

Far Reach to Cygnus [*Dr. Dragonet] � Fritz Leiber � ss
The Answerer � Bill Casey � ss
Reunion � David R. Bunch � ss
He Who Shapes [Part 2 of 2] � Roger Zelazny �
The Gobbitch Men � Alfred Grossman � ss

VOL. 39, N� 3 - mars
Couverture Gray Morrow

Greenslaves � Frank Herbert � nv
Be Yourself � Robert Rohrer � ss
The Plateau � Christopher Anvil � na
Calling Dr. Clockwork � Ron Goulart � ss
Wheeler Dealer [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss

VOL. 39, N� 4 - avril
Couverture de Paula McLane

The Shores of Infinity [*John Gordon] � Edmond Hamilton � nv
There's No Vinism Like Chau-Vinism � John W. Jakes � nv
Ensign De Ruyter: Dreamer [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss
Greendark in the Cairn � Robert Rohrer � ss
Speech Is Silver � John Brunner � ss

VOL. 39, N� 5 - mai
Couverture de Gray Morrow

The Corridors of Time [Part 1 of 2] � Poul Anderson � n.
The Man from Party Ten � Robert Rohrer � ss
The Survivor � Walter F. Moudy � nv
Over the River and Through the Woods � Clifford D. Simak � ss

VOL. 39, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de Gray Morrow

The Walking Talking I-Don't-Care Man � David R. Bunch � ss
The Furies � Roger Zelazny � nv
Rumpelstiltskinski � Robert F. Young � ss The Corridors of Time [Part 2 of 2] � Poul Anderson
Satyr � Judith E. Schrier � vi

VOL. 40, N� 1 - ao�t
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Time Bomb � Keith Laumer � na
Final Victim � Henry Hasse & Ray Bradbury � nv
City of Brass � Robert F. Young � na
The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use � Isaac Asimov
The Good Seed [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss

VOL. 40, N� 2 - octobre
Couverture de Kelly Freas

Killer Ship [Part 1 of 2] � Murray Leinster � n.
Chrysalis � Ray Bradbury � nv
The Eternal Eve � John Wyndham � nv
The Metal Man � Jack Williamson � ss
The Time Jumpers � Phil Nowlan � ss  Dusty Answer [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss


VOL. 40, N� 3 - d�cembre
Couverture de Hector Castellon

On the Sand Planet [*Casher O'Neill] � Cordwainer Smith � nv
Restricted Area � Robert Sheckley � ss
Final Exam � Chad Oliver � ss
The Comet Doom � Edmond Hamilton � nv
Killer Ship
[Part 2 of 2] � Murray Leinster � n.

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