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ANNEE 1938

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amaz_3802.jpg (59831 octets)Vol. 12, N� 1 - f�vrier
Couverture de Leo Morey

Greta, Queen of Queens � W. K. Sonnemann �
Spawn of the Ray � Maurice Duclos � ss
Zagribud [Part 2 of 3; *Elnek Jelfel] � John Russell Fearn � n.
Mr. Bowen's Wife Reduces � Miles J. Breuer, M.D. 
Exiles from the Universe � Stanton A. Coblentz

amaz_3804.jpg (59305 octets)Vol. 12, N� 2 - avril
Couverture de Leo Morey

The Music-Monsters [*Professor Jameson] � Neil R. Jones � na
Zagribud [Part 3 of 3; *Elnek Jelfel] � John Russell Fearn � n.
Daughter of Luna [2] � J. Lewis Burtt, B.Sc.
Annus Mirabilis � Edward Carlisle � na

amaz_3806.jpg (58995 octets) Vol. 12, N� 3 - juin
Couverture de Horace Hime
plus back cover

The Man Who Ruled the World � Robert Moore Williams � nv
Escape Through Space � Ross Rocklynne � ss
The Master of Golden City � Polton Cross � nv
The Vanishing Diamonds [*Professor Stilwell] � Charles R. Tanner � ss
A Summons from Mars � John Russell Fearn � nv
The Space Pirate � Eando Binder � nv
The Invisible Bomber � Lieut. John Pease � ss

amaz_3808.jpg (54591 octets)Vol. 12, N� 4 - ao�t
Couverture de Henry F. Kroeger, Jr.)

Secret of the Observatory � Robert Bloch �
Time for Sale � Ralph Milne Farley � ss
The Blinding Ray [by Raymond A. Palmer] � A. R. Steber � nv
The Meteor Monsters � Arthur R. Tofte 
Germs of Death � A. H. Vance � ss
Kidnappers of Space � Thorp McClusky � nv
Outlaw of Space � Wallace Quitman � ss

amaz_3810.jpg (54115 octets)Vol. 12, N� 5 - octobre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua

The Gland Superman [*Harley Gale] � Ed
Earl Repp � nv
The Atom Smasher � Gordon A. Giles � ss
He Lives�But He Does Not Breathe � Ray Cummings 
Horror's Head � Lieut. John Pease � nv
Locked City � Thornton Ayre � nv
The Flying Dutchman of Space � Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. � ss
Artificial Hell � Harvey Emerson � ss
Revolution of 1950 [Part 1 of 2] � Stanley G. Weinbaum � na

amaz_3811.jpg (71364 octets)Vol. 12, N� 6 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua

Ray of Eternity � Richard Tooker � nv
Song of Death � Ed Earl Repp � ss
Monstrosity of Evolution [*Peters & Ethredge] � Thorp McClusky � nv
Revolution of 1950 [Part 2 of 2] � Stanley G. Weinbaum � na
The Man Who Lived Twice � Edmond Hamilton �
Pirates of Eros � Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. � 
The Secret of the Ring � Thornton Ayre � nv

amaz_3812.jpg (68010 octets)Vol. 12, N� 7 - d�cembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua
plus back cover
et dessin int�rieur pour "Ghost of Mars"

Ghost of Mars � Festus Pragnell � nv
Master of Telepathy � Eando Binder � nv
Purge of the Deaf � A. R. Tofte & L. A. Schmidt � ssPrince Deru Returns � Harl Vincent � nv
Patrolman E6 Gets His Man � Benson Herbert � 
Kiss of Death � Neil R. Jones � nv
Polar Prison [by Raymond A. Palmer] � Morris J. Steele � ss

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Ann�e : 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944-1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953  | 1954-1955 | 1956 | 19571958 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966-1967 | 1968-1969 | 1970-1971 |

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