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ANNEE 1966-1967

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VOL. 40, N� 4 - f�vrier 1966
Couverture de Frank R. Paul

Sunjammer � Arthur C. Clarke � nv
For Each Man Kills � William F. Temple � nv
The Runaway Skyscraper � Murray Leinster � nv
The Malignant Entity � Otis Adelbert Kline � ss
The Man from the Atom [*Kirby] � G. Peyton Wertenbaker � ss
Mute Milton � Harry Harrison � ss
Moss Island � Carl Jacobi � ss
Pressure [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss
The Plutonian Drug � Clark Ashton Smith � ss

VOL. 40, N� 5 - avril
Couverture de Frank R. Paul, Robert Fuqua &Wesso (Num�ro du 50�me anniversaire)

Beast of the Island � Alexander M. Phillips � nv
Intelligence Undying � Edmond Hamilton � ss
The Last Man � Wallace West � nv
Operation R.S.V.P. � H. Beam Piper � ss
White Collars � David H. Keller, M.D. � ss
Pilgrimage [revised from  *Meg] � Nelson S. Bond � nv
The Voyage That Lasted 600 Years � Don Wilcox � nv
The Man from the Atom (Sequel) [*Kirby] � G. Peyton Wertenbaker � n

VOL. 40, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de James B. Settles

Stopover in Space [Part 1 of 2] � Murray Leinster � n
If This Be Utopia... � Kris Neville � ss
Encounter in the Dawn � Arthur C. Clarke � ss
Secret of the Death Dome � Walter M. Miller, Jr. �
Elaine's Tomb � G. Peyton Wertenbaker � nv
Or Else � Henry Kuttner � ss

VOL. 40, N� 7 - ao�t
Couverture de James B. Settles

Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday � Philip K. Dick � nv
The Voice of the Void � John W. Campbell, Jr. �
The Gone Dogs � Frank Herbert � nv
The Pent House � David H. Keller, M.D. � ss
The Man Who Knew All the Answers � Donald Bern � ss
The Metal Martyr � Robert Moore Williams � ss
Stopover in Space
[Part 2 of 2] � Murray Leinster � n.

VOL. 40, N� 8 - octobre
Couverture de Frank R. Paul

Ensign Flandry [*Dominic Flandry] � Poul Anderson � n
The Space Witch � Walter M. Miller, Jr. � nv
Mr. Dimmitt Seeks Redress � Miles J. Breuer, M.D. � ss
Eddie for Short � Wallace West � ss

VOL. 40, N� 9 - d�cembre
Couverture de Frank R. Paul

Born Under Mars [Part 1 of 2] � John Brunner
Vanguard of the Lost � John D. MacDonald � nv
The Revolt of the Pedestrians � David H. Keller, M.D. � nv
Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitarium � Fletcher Pratt � ss
The Flame from Nowhere � Eando Binder � ss
The Commuter � Philip K. Dick � ss
He Took It With Him � Clark Collins � ss

VOL. 40, N� 10 - f�vrier 1967
Couverture de Arnold Kohn

Two Days Running and Then Skip a Day � Ron Goulart � ss
Tumithak of the Corridors [*Tumithak] � Charles R. Tanner � na
Methuselah, Ltd. � Wallace West & Richard Barr
The Man with Common Sense [*Malachi Jones] � Edwin James � ss
Born Under Mars
[Part 2 of 2] � John Brunner

VOL. 41, N� 1 - avril
Couverture de Frank R. Paul

The Heaven Makers [Part 1 of 2] � Frank Herbert � n
The Last Bounce � William Tenn � nv
A Biological Experiment � David H. Keller, M.D. �
Little Girl Lost � Richard Matheson � ss
Small Town � Philip K. Dick � ss
Angels in the Jets � Jerome Bixby � ss

VOL. 41, N� 2 - juin
Couverture reproduite du n� 157 de Perry Rhodan

Cold Comfort � Winston K. Marks � ss
The Mad Scientist � Robert Bloch � nv
Atomic Fire � Raymond Gallun � ss
The Builder � Philip K. Dick � ss
Project Nightmare � Robert Heinlein � nv
The Heaven Makers [Part 2 of 2] � Frank Herbert � n.

VOL. 41, N� 3 - ao�t
Couverture de Frank R. Paul

The Man from Zodiac � Jack Vance � na Blabbermouth � Theodore Sturgeon � nv
One Way Street � Jerome Bixby � ss
North God's Temple � Henry J. Kostkos � ss
The Roller Coaster � Alfred Bester � ss
Martian and Troglodyte � Neil R. Jones � na

VOL. 41, N� 4 - octobre
Couverture reproduite du n� 117 de Perry Rhodan

Santaroga Barrier [Part 1 of 3] � Frank Herbert
Five Years in the Marmalade � Geoff St. Reynard
The Children's Room � Raymond F. Jones � nv
The Siren Sounds at Midnight � Frank M. Robinson � ss
Largo � Theodore Sturgeon � ss
Scar-Tissue � Henry S. Whitehead � ss

VOL. 41, N� 5 - d�cembre
Couverture reproduite du n� 178 de Perry Rhodan

The Forest of Zil � Kris Neville � ss
The Million Year Patent � Charles L. Harness �
The Smile � Ray Bradbury � ss
An Unusual Case � Gennadiy Gor; trans. by Stanley Frye � ss
Santaroga Barrier [Part 2 of 3] � Frank Herbert � n
Stacked Deck � Lester del Rey � ss
Luvver [*Luvvers] � Mack Reynolds � ss
Sub-Satellite � Charles Cloukey � ss

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