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ANNEE 1948

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amaz_4801.jpg (63730 octets)VOL. 22, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture de Ramon Naylor

Back cover de James Settles "Spaceship Seen Over Idaho"

Flight of the Starling � Chester S. Geier � na
Hate � Rog Phillips � nv
The Rikits of Mars � Don Wilcox � na
The Fire Trail � Oge-Make � ss


amaz_4802.jpg (46309 octets)VOL. 22, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Malcolm Smith

Prometheus II [*Stephen Germain] � S. J. Byrne � n.
The Phantom Hands � Berkeley Livingston � ss
Strictly from Mars � Robert Bloch � nv

amaz_4803.jpg (52462 octets)VOL. 22, N� 3 - mars
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Gods of Venus [*Big Jim Steele] � Richard S. Shaver � n.
The Egg of Time � Millen Cooke � ss
Everything but the Sink � Berkeley Livingston � ss
Flesh Against Spirit [by Richard S. Shaver] � Alexander Blade � ss

amaz_4804.jpg (60695 octets)VOL. 22, N� 4 - avril
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

The Monster from Mars � Alexander Blade � nv
"Wa-al, Bust Mah Britches!" � J. J. Pelletier
Secret of the Yellow Crystal � Guy Archette �
Drink Like a Fish � Berkeley Livingston � ss
Secret of the Robot � Chester S. Geier � ss
The Man in the Moon � Lester Barclay � ss
The Wandering Egos � Emmett McDowell � na

amaz_4805.jpg (49907 octets)VOL. 22, N� 5 - mai
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Armageddon � Craig Browning � n.
Doom Globe � S. M. Tenneshaw � ss
Illusion on Callisto � Warren Kastel � ss
Justice Satellite � Guy Archette � nv
Forgotten Hades � Lee Francis � nv

amaz_4806.jpg (55309 octets)VOL. 22, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Ice City of the Gorgon � Richard S. Shaver & Chester S. Geier � na
The Pied Piper of Space � S. M. Tenneshaw �
Lunar Monkey Business � Warren Kastel � ss
The Valley of Madness � Alexander Blade � ss
The Ocean Den of Mercury � Miles Shelton � na

amaz_4807.jpg (28930 octets)amaz_4807bis.jpg (37263 octets)VOL. 22, N� 7 - juillet
Couverture de Arnold Kohn

The Man from Agharti [*Ira Travers] � John & Dorothy de Courcy � na
Mystery of the Midgets � E. K. Jarvis � nv; as by A. K. Jarvis
The Death of Asteroid 13 � William P. McGivern � ss
That We May Rise Again... � Charles Recour � ss
In All Probability � Irving Gerson � ss
The Triumph of the Pig � Berkeley Livingston � ss
The Supernal Note � Rog Phillips � ss
Amoeba 'Roid � Charles Recour � ss

VOL. 22, N� 8 - ao�t
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Holey Land � S. M. Tenneshaw � ss
The Venusian � Craig Browning � na
Starship from Sirius � Rog Phillips � na
Dead on Arrival � Robert Morrison � ss

amaz_4809.jpg (55293 octets)VOL. 22, N� 9 - septembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

The Squirrel People � John C. Ross � nv
New Face�Same Heel � Samuel F. Roeca � nv
Titan's Daughter [*Big Jim Steele] � Richard S. Shaver � n.

amaz_4810.jpg (35764 octets)VOL. 22, N� 10 - octobre
Couverture de James B. Settles

The Cube Root of Conquest � Rog Phillips � ss
Death of a B.E.M. � Berkeley Livingston � ss
The Frightened Planet � Sidney Austen � ss
The Return of Tharn [Part 1 of 3; *Tharn] � Howard Browne � n.
The Brain [by Heinrich Hauser] � Alexander Blade � n.

amaz_4811.jpg (56352 octets)VOL. 22, N� 11 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

The Eye of Wilbur Mook � H. B. Hickey � nv
Cold Ghost � Chester S. Geier � ss
Castle of Terror � E. J. Liston � ss
Phantom of the Forest � Lee Francis � ss
The Return of Tharn [Part 2 of 3; *Tharn] � Howard Browne � n.
Oogie Finds Love � Berkeley Livingston � ss
Day of the Druid � Knut Enferd � ss

amaz_4812.jpg (37291 octets)VOL. 22, N� 12 - d�cembre
Couverture de H.W. McCauley

Daughter of the Night [*Red Dwarf] � Richard S. Shaver � nv
The Plotters � Alexander Blade � ss
Tillie � Craig Browning � ss
Once Upon a Planet � J. J. Allerton � ss
The Unthinking Destroyer � Rog Phillips � ss
Beyond the Thunder � H. B. Hickey � nv
The Return of Tharn [Part 3 of 3; *Tharn] � Howard Browne � n.

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