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ANNEE 1947

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VOL. 21, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture de H.W. McCauley

I Have Been in the Caves � Margaret Rogers � nv
Rejuvenation Asteroid � William Lawrence Hamling 
The Secret of Sutter's Lake � Don Wilcox � na
Like Alarm Bells Ringing � Robert Moore Williams � 
The Mind Rovers � Richard S. Shaver � na
Death Seems So Final � Alexander Blade � ss
Mr. Wilson's Watch � H. B. Hickey � ss

amaz_4702.jpg (56359 octets)VOL. 21, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Orphan of Atlans � William Lawrence Hamling � na
Blabbermouth � Theodore Sturgeon � nv
Land of the Damned � Berkeley Livingston � na
The House � Rog Phillips � ss
Caution: Dead Man at Work � Arthur T. Harris � ss

amaz_4703.jpg (60537 octets)VOL. 21, N� 3 - mars
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Joe Dannon, Pioneer � Richard S. Shaver � nv
Warlord of Peace � Leroy Yerxa � ss
Chess and Double Chess � John & Dorothy de Courcy � ss
Titans' Battle � Heinrich Hauser � n.

amaz_4704.jpg (42175 octets)VOL. 21, N� 4 - avril
Couverture de Julian S. Krupa

All Aboard for the Moon � Harold M. Sherman 
Miracle Man � John & Dorothy de Courcy � nv
I, John Cotter � Millen Cooke � ss

amaz_4705.jpg (58450 octets)VOL. 21, N� 5 - mai
Couverture de James Teason

The Crystalline Sarcophagus � Richard S. Shaver � 
The Ancestral Thread � Emil Petaja � ss
Confessions of a Mechanical Man � Buzz-Bolt Atomcracker � nv
Desert of the Damned � Don Wilcox � n

amaz_4706.jpg (28117 octets)VOL. 21, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Formula from the Underworld � Richard S. Shaver 
Zigor Mephisto's Collection of Mentalia � Richard S. Shaver � nv
Witch's Daughter � Richard S. Shaver � nv
The Red Legion � Richard S. Shaver � na

amaz_4707.jpg (58178 octets)VOL. 21, N� 7 - juillet
Couverture de Julian S. Krupa

Hidden City � Chester S. Geier � n.
Treasure Derelict � Guy Archette � ss
The Weapon � Robert Moore Williams � nv
The Vanishing Spaceman � Alexander Blade � nv

amaz_4708.jpg (30648 octets)VOL. 21, N� 8 - ao�t
Couverture de Arnold Kohn

So Shall Ye Reap! � Rog Phillips � n.
The Prop � William Lawrence Hamling � ss
Negative Problem � Frances Yerxa � ss
First Rocket � D. Richard Sharpe � ss
Mer-Witch of Ether "18" � Richard S. Shaver � nv

amaz_4709.jpg (33828 octets)VOL. 21, N� 9 - septembre
Couverture de Malcolm Smith

The Star Kings [*John Gordon] � Edmond Hamilton � n.
The Uninvited Jest � Rog Phillips � ss
Terror on the Telephone � Lee Francis � nv
One More Spring � Frances Yerxa � ss

amaz_4710.jpg (55435 octets)VOL. 21, N� 10 - octobre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

The Kettle in the Pit � Don Wilcox � nv
The Third Bolt � Frances M. Deegan � nv
Trail of the Astrogar � Henry Hasse � na
The Despoilers � Rog Phillips � na
Miner Crisis on Io � Guy Archette � nv
Voice from a Star � William P. McGivern � ss

amaz_4711.jpg (53478 octets)VOL. 21, N� 11 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

Back cover de Frank R. Paul

The Giants of Mogo [*Mogo] � Don Wilcox � n.
Squeeze Play [*Lefty Baker] � Craig Browning � ss
And Eve Was � Rog Phillips �
Murder Solves a Problem � Lee Francis � ss

amaz_4712.jpg (52435 octets)VOL. 21, N� 12 - d�cembre
Couverture de Robert Gibson Jones

The Green Man Returns [*Green Man] � Harold M. Sherman � n.
Light of Life � Chester S. Geier � ss
Of Gods and Goats � Richard S. Shaver � nv
The World Beyond � Guy Archette � ss

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