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ANNEE 1941

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amaz_4101.jpg (67603 octets)Vol. 15, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture d'Allen St John

Back cover of Frank R. Paul "City on Venus"

John Carter and the Giant of Mars � Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Invisible Wheel of Death � Don Wilcox � 
Mystery Moon � Edmond Hamilton � nv
The Armageddon of Johann Schmidt � Arthur T. Harris � ss
Hammer of the Gods � John York Cabot � ss
Skidmore's Strange Experiment � David Wright O'Brien � ss
A City on Venus � Henry Gade � vi

Dessin de (?) illustrant "John Carter and the Giant of Mars"

amaz_4102.jpg (71071 octets)Vol. 15, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Leo Morey

Back cover de Frank R. Paul "A city on Jupiter"

Battering Rams of Space [*Lester Allison] � Don Wilcox � na
The Last Analysis � John York Cabot � ss
An Anesthesia 2300 Years Old � Simpson M. Ritter 
Adam Link in the Past [*Adam Link] � Eando Binder 
The Accidental Murders � Robert Moore Williams
The Stillwell Degravitator � Charles R. Tanner � ss
The Winking Lights of Mars � Gordon A. Giles � ss
Ultimate Reality � Morrison Colladay � ms

amaz_4103.jpg (68806 octets)Vol. 15, N� 3 - mars
Couverture d'Allen St. John plus dessin original

The City of Mummies � Edgar Rice Burroughs � 
The Man Who Lived Next Week � David Wright O'Brien
Murder in the Past � John York Cabot � ss
Hok and the Gift of Heaven [*Hok] � Manly Wade Wellman � nv
Phoney Meteor � John Beynon � nv
The Lost Colony � James Norman � ss
Mystery of the Amazing Battery � Donald Bern � ss

amaz_4104.jpg (72274 octets)Vol. 15, N� 4 - avril
Couverture d'Allen St. John

Back cover de Frank R. Paul "A City on Uranus"

Lords of the Underworld � L. Taylor Hansen �
King Arthur's Knight in a Yankee Court � A. W. Bernal � nv
Big Man � Ross Rocklynne � nv
Priestess of the Sleeping Death � Neil R. Jones
Invisible Raiders of Venus � Don Wilcox � 
Killer's Turnabout � William P. McGivern � ss

amaz_4105.jpg (69867 octets)Vol. 15, N� 5 - mai
Couverture d'Allen St. John

Back cover d'Allen St. John "Martian Spaceships Invade New York"

The Lost Race Comes Back � Don Wilcox � na
Fantastic Hoaxes � Julius Schwartz � ms
Lone Wolf of Space � Joseph J. Millard & 
A. R. Steber � nv
Adam Link Faces a Revolt � 
Eando Binder � nv
The Man Who Forgot � 
John York Cabot � ss
The Iron Men of Super City � 
Don Wilcox � nv
The Fate of Asteroid 13 � William P. McGivern � ss
A Cure for Jekyll and Hyde � Arthur T. Harris � ms
Dictagraphs of Death � P. F. Costello � nv
Secret of the Lost Planet � David Wright O'Brien � nv
Rocky Gordon's Billion-Dollar Trap � 
Robert Moore Williams � ss
Return of the Space Hawk � Duncan Farnsworth � nv
The Strange Adventure of Victor MacLiesh � 
Alexander Blade � nv
When the Earth Grows Bored � Joseph O'Connor � ms

amaz_4106.jpg (68974 octets)Vol. 15, N� 6 - juin
Couverture d'Allen St. John

Back cover de Frank R. Paul "A City on Pluto"

Black Pirates of Barsoom � Edgar Rice Burroughs
Lost Treasure of Angkor � James Norman � 
The Girl from Venus � David V. Reed � ss
Ersatz � William P. McGivern � ms
Cagliostro�Magnificent Charlatan � 
William P. McGivern � ms
The Quandary of Quintus Quaggle � 
William P. McGivern � ss
Pepper Pot Planet � Duncan Farnsworth � ss
Homer Higginbottom, Rain Maker � Milton Kaletsky � nv
Strange But True � William P. McGivern � ms

amaz_4107.jpg (70234 octets)Vol. 15, N� 7 - juillet
Couverture de Stockton Mulford

Back cover de Frank R. Paul "Cyistallis, Glass City of Io"

Survivors from 9000 B.C. � Robert Moore Williams 
Mystery on Planetoid Ten � James Norman � 
No Man's Land in Space � Leigh Brackett � nv
Progress Is a Headache � John York Cabot � 
Sidetrack in Time � William P. McGivern � ss
Broadcast by Bees � P. F. Costello � ms
Ten Seconds from Nowhere � David Wright O'Brien
How Smart Were the Ancients? � William P. McGivern � ms
The Invincible Crime-Buster � Henry Gade � nv

amaz_4108.jpg (67345 octets)Vol. 15, N� 8 - ao�t
Couverture d'Allen St. John

Back cover de Frank R. Paul " Crater City on Saturn"

Yellow Men of Mars � Edgar Rice Burroughs �
Kid Poison � David V. Reed � nv
Mr. Muddle Does as He Pleases � William P. McGivern & David Wright O'Brien � nv
You Ought to Be Dead � Robert Moore Williams 
The Man Who Got Everything � John York Cabot
Taxi to Jupiter � Don Wilcox � ss

Dessin de (?) pour "Yellow Men of Mars"

amaz_4109.jpg (80267 octets)Vol. 15, N� 9 - septembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua

Back cover de Frank R. Paul

Enchantress of Lemuria � Stanton A. Coblentz 
Mutiny in Space � Jep Powell
Ferdinand Finknodle's Perfect Day � David Wright O'Brien �
The Throne of Valhalla � Arthur T. Harris � nv
Yellow Mud for Cowards � P. F. Costello � ss
Master Mimics � Guy Fauldes � ms
Mystery of the Mummy � Duncan Farnsworth � ss
Aristocrats of the Atomic Table � C. E. Conners � ms
Dr. Loudon's Armageddon � Alexander Blade � ss

Vol. 15, N� 10 - octobre
Couverture de Allen St John
Back cover de Frank R. Paul

Invisible Men of Mars [*Barsoom (John Carter et al)] � Edgar Rice Burroughs � na The World of Miracles � David V. Reed � ss
Kidnaped in Mars [*Don Hargeaves] � Festus Pragnell � na
Sergeant Shane of the Space Marines [*Sergeant Shane] � John York Cabot � ss
Flame for the Future [by William P. McGivern] � P. F. Costello � ss
Mystery of the Martian Pendulum [by Raymond A. Palmer] � Thornton Ayre & A. R. Steber � nv

amaz_4111.jpg (80502 octets)Vol. 15, N� 11 - novembre
Couverture de Robert Fuqua

Back cover de Frank R. Paul "A City on Uranus"

Convoy to Atlantis � William P. McGivern � na
Nicolbee's Nightmare � John York Cabot � ss
The Stevedore of Jupiter � Don Wilcox � ss
Death Desert � Robert Moore Williams � ss
The Short-Wave Superman � Robert Leslie Bellem 
Armageddon, 1948 � Ed Earl Repp � nv

amaz_4112.jpg (69110 octets)Vol. 15, N� 12 - d�cembre 
Couverture de Rod Ruth plus dessin original

Back cover de Frank R. Paul - "Serenis, Water City of Callisto"

The Secret of Planetoid 88 � Ed Earl Repp � na
Bandits of Time � Ray Cummings � nv
Rayhouse in Space � Duncan Farnsworth � nv
The Odds on Sergeant Shane � John York Cabot 
Planet of Lost Men � P. F. Costello � ss
The Man Who Wasn't Himself � Alexander Blade 


Amazing Stories Juin 1941 - Illustrations Int�rieures pour "Black Pirates of Barsoom" d'Edgar Rice Burroughs


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