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ANNEE 1964

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VOL. 38, N� 1 - janvier
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Speed-Up! � Christopher Anvil � nv
Skeleton Men of Jupiter [*Barsoom (John Carter et al)] � Edgar Rice Burroughs � na
The Happiness Rock � Albert Teichner � nv

VOL. 38, N� 2 - f�vrier
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

The Bridge to Azrael � John Brunner � na
Beside the Golden Door � Henry Slesar � ss
I Bring Fresh Flowers � Robert F. Young � ss
Heavy, Heavy [*Eli Pike] � F. A. Javor � ss

VOL. 38, N� 3 - mars
Couverture de Emsh

Arena of Decisions � Robert F. Young � ss Sunburst [Part 1 of 3] � Phyllis Gotlieb � n
Now Is Forever � Dobbin Thorpe � ss
Jam for Christmas [*Everett O'Toole] � Vance Simonds � nv


VOL. 38, N� 4 - avril
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Prisoner in Orbit � Henry Slesar � nv
The Chair � O. H. Leslie � ss
The Other Inhabitant � Edward W. Ludwig � ss
A Question of Theology � George Whitley � ss
Sunburst [Part 2 of 3] � Phyllis Gotlieb � n.

VOL. 38, N� 5 - mai
Couverture de Emsh

Boiling Point � Lester del Rey � ss
The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal � Cordwainer Smith � ss
Sunburst [Part 3 of 3] � Phyllades Gotlieb � n.
The Artist � Rosel George Brown � ss
According to His Abilities � Harry Harrison � ss
For Every Action... � C. C. MacApp � ss

VOL. 38, N� 6 - juin
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Tin Lizzie � Randall Garrett � nv
Condition of Survival � Barry P. Miller � na
The Pirokin Effect � Larry HEisenberg �
The Sphinx � Robert F. Young � nv


VOL. 38, N� 7 - juillet
Couverture de Emsh et dessin original

Mindmate � Daniel F. Galouye
The Mouths of All Men � Ed M. Clinton � ss Placement Test � Keith Laumer � nv
A Game of Unchance � Philip K. Dick � nv
The Scarlet Throne � Edward W. Ludwig � ss

VOL. 38, N� 8 - ao�t
Couverture de Richard McKenna

The HoneyEarthers � Robert F. Young � nv
Selection � Ursula K. Le Guin � ss
Valedictory � Phyllis Gotlieb � ss
Furnace of the Blue Flame � Robert Rohrer � ss
Zelerinda � Gordon Walters � nv

VOL. 38, N� 9 - septembre
Couverture de Richard Adragna

The Kingdoms of the Stars [*John Gordon] � Edmond Hamilton � nv
 The Dowry of Angyar � Ursula K. Le Guin � ss
Clean Slate � James H. Schmitz � nv
The Sheeted Dead � Robert Rohrer � ss

VOL. 38, N� 10 - octobre
Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original

Enigma from Tantalus [Part 1 of 2] � John Brunner � na
Urned Reprieve [*Ensign De Ruyter] � Arthur Porges � ss
In the Shadow of the Worm � Neal Barrett, Jr. �
The Intruders � Robert Rohrer � ss Demigod � Reginald Bretnor � ss

VOL. 38, N� 11 - novembre
Couverture de Alex Schomburg

Rider in the Sky � Raymond F. Jones � nv
The Seminarian � Jack Sharkey � ss
Enigma from Tantalus [Part 2 of 2] � John Brunner � na
Your Name Shall Be...Darkness � Norman Spinrad

VOL. 38, N� 12 - d�cembre
Couverture de Robert Adragna

The Further Sky � Keith Laumer � na
The Last of the Great Tradition � James R. Horstman � ss
The Moths � Arthur Porges � ss
The Quest of the Holy Grille � Robert F. Young �
The Day They Found Out � Les Dennis � ss

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